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data management fleet
CSA 2010 and Tire Pressure & Temperature Monitoring

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has launched CSA 2010, which is a newly designed enforcement system that will help track, measure, and evaluate motor carriers as well as the drivers in order to effectively target potentially unsafe drivers, carriers and truck fleets.

Under CSA program, safety-related data (from roadside inspections, investigations, and crash reports) will be collected and measured across seven categories (the “BASICs”). Score will be given to determine which carriers and drivers are performing more unsafely than others and intervention will be taken place when necessary.

A lowered safety rating can have serious consequences for a carrier, including higher insurance rates and lost revenue (from customers who refuse to use an unsafe carrier).
Fleet managers and company owners must proactively discover what their current safety concerns are, why they exist, and how to urgently correct them before these safely issues result in costly penalties.

Tire is a significant factor in CSA’s measurement system BASICs’ (under “Vehicle Maintenance” category.) Tire Pressure and Temperature Monitoring Solutions from Valor helps in this area by continuously monitoring and reporting on tire issues in real time to the driver. With the installation of GPS vehicle tracking hardware, fleet and maintenance managers will have the tire information at their fingertips.

For more information on CSA 2010 and Tire Pressure & Temperature Monitoring please contact

Why CSA is important to the carrier?

Drivers can affect a company’s safety rating under the CSA program. Violations a driver receives while working for a carrier apply to that carrier’s evaluation on the BASICs. Even if a carrier terminates a driver, all of the driver’s crashes and inspection results that he/she received while operating for that carrier still apply to the carrier’s scores for 24 months from the date of occurrence.

Drivers are scored individually in the Driver Safety Measurement System (DSMS) based on their personal crashes and violations. Carriers are scored in the Carrier Safety measurement System (CSMS) based on crashes and violations committed by their drivers, as well as investigative data.
Drivers are not assigned a safety rating. Carriers are assigned a safety rating based on their performance.
A driver’s poor CSA scores cannot result in his or her being taken off the road or having his or her CDL suspended. A carrier’s poor CSA scores can result in the carrier’s operations being suspended.
Not all roadside violations will count against a driver’s CSA scores; some are assigned to the carrier only All roadside violations that fall under a BASIC will count against the carrier’s CSA scores.
Crashes and violations from the past 36 months are included in the scoring process, even if the driver switches employers. Crashes and violations from the past 24 months are included in the scoring process, even if the driver(s) who caused the crashes/violations left the company.

Why CSA is important to the driver?

The violation and crash data used in the CSA scoring system is available through the Pre-employment Screening Program (PSP) and could be used by the motor carriers in assessing individual drivers during pre-employment. Carriers may tighten their safety and employment policies and not hire drivers who may negatively impact their CSA scores. As carriers scrutinize the safety records of their drivers more closely, safe drivers will be more in demand than ever. And drivers deemed to be too unsafe may be forced out of the business.

Why tire is important in CSA ?

Vehicle Maintenance is a very important category in the BASICs, among other violations. Each type of vehicle maintenance violation is assigned a severity in the calculation. See below Vehicle maintenance violations with the highest severity. Besides “driving an out-of-service vehicle”, tire defects is assigned the highest severity.



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